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Terms & Conditions

Last updated26 February 2024

The customer (the “Customer”) has requested access to the legal practice management software, LEXZUR, or its additional modules and apps (collectively the “Program”). the Customer, and each of its users, agree that the Program is subject to the terms of the following subscription agreement (“Agreement”).

This agreement is entered between LEXZUR DWC-LLC, having its registration number 8592 with main office at Dubai World Central, P.O. Box 390667, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, hereinafter referred to as “We” or “LEXZUR” and the payer or/and the recipient of services hereunder identified as part of the subscription process for LEXZUR Services,  hereinafter referred to as “You” or “Customer”.

By accepting these terms and conditions, the Customer affirms that he is of legal age r and legally capable of entering into a contract.  In case the Customer is acting on behalf of a business entity, he affirms and warrants that he holds a valid authorization to enter into agreement on the entity’s behalf The Customer also  confirms that he is not a competitor of LEXZUR.

Therefore, by signing-up, ordering, and/or using LEXZUR’s services, the Customer agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).

The Customer and LEXZUR both hereby agree to the following terms & conditions:


LEXZUR offers legal practice management software and services (the Services) which includes the following:

  • The Program and hosting services at the domain managed by LEXZUR.
  • The functional and technical support for the Program.

For any issue related to the Services, Customer may contact LEXZUR’s support by  emailing [email protected] or raising a support ticket from LEXZUR Service Desk accessible from the Program used by the Customer. Only the Customer or the Customer’s authorized users may contact LEXZUR’s support teams.


If the Customer registers for a free trial of the Services, LEXZUR will make the Services available on a trial basis and free of charge to the Customer until the earlier of (a) the end of the free trial period or (b) the start date of Customer’s subscription. If LEXZUR includes additional terms and conditions on the trial registration Web page, those will apply as well. During the free trial period:

(i) The Services are provided “as is” and without a warranty of any kind;

(ii) LEXZUR may suspend, limit, or terminate the Services for any reason at any time without notice; and

(iii) LEXZUR will not be liable towards the Customer for damages of any kind related to the Customer’s use of the Services. Unless the Customer subscribes to the Services before the end of the free trial, all of Customer’s data on the Service will be permanently deleted at the end of the trial and LEXZUR may not be able to recover it.


The Customer hereby agrees to use the Services only in an authorized manner as per the terms of this Agreement. In case it is found that the Customer’s use of Services violates the terms of this Agreement or any other law, rule or regulation enacted by the concerned authorities from time to time, LEXZUR reserves the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect.




Each user requires a unique user ID and password to use the Program. Customer’s users are allowed to choose each their own credentials as long as their user IDs are not already in use, aren’t inappropriate or offensive and don’t infringe upon anyone else’s rights. LEXZUR doesn’t authorize sharing user IDs. Passwords and credentials are encrypted and shall respect a strong format set at the pages of signup and login to the Program.


It is important that Customer closely monitors the status and identity of each user on its account – particularly users to whom Customer assigns administrative access. Each user has certain abilities and access rights provided by the Program, and LEXZUR assumes no responsibility for acts inconsistent with the guidelines below. Generally, the party who initially activated the account (“Account Owner”) from Customer has the authority, during the period for which the party has paid for access to the account, to: (a) cancel the account (b) add, edit, and delete users (including the ability to grant or deny access to “administrative access” and grant or deny access to other functionalities in the Program ); and (c) access any and all data in the account, including the authority to contact LEXZUR’s support.


6.1 In the performance of Services, LEXZUR agrees to:

  1. Perform the Services to the best of its ability and with the degree of care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances;
  2. Liaise with the Customer through the Customer’s coordinator on matters related to the use of, and the identification and resolution of errors in the Service;
  3. Invoice Customer according to the terms of this Agreement for the Services performed; and,
  4. Proceed according to Customer’s instructions for deleting of Customer’s data and supplies on the termination of the Agreement.

6.2 Reasonable attempts to correct errors on notice:

LEXZUR warrants that it will, at its expense, make needed efforts, to correct any errors for which LEXZUR is directly and solely responsible, provided that the data necessary to correct such errors is available to LEXZUR; or at LEXZUR’s discretion. It will also provide service credit to the Customer equivalent to the charge that would have been applicable for correcting the portion of the Service that is an error; such service credit will be only for errors solely due to malfunctioning of the Program or any error made by LEXZUR’s personnel during the performance of the Services. For LEXZUR to correct the errors or obtain the service credit, the Customer must notify LEXZUR in writing of such errors within 30 days of receipt of the Services believed to contain the errors.

6.3 LEXZUR disclaims all liability and shall not be liable in contract, tort (including negligence), statutory duty, pre-contract or otherwise arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions or the Program for any (a) consequential, indirect or special loss or damage; or (b) any loss of goodwill, reputation or data; or (c) any economic losses (including loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings). In each case, regardless of being advised of the possibility of such loss or damage and irrespective of how incurred.

6.4 LEXZUR is not liable for third party solutions which are available via and/or integrated with the Program. Consequently, LEXZUR cannot be held liable for the correctness, completeness, quality and reliability of the information or for the results which are achieved by means of such third party solutions. Moreover, LEXZUR cannot be held liable for the availability, security or functionality of such third party solutions, including any damage and/or loss caused by such third party solutions. The Customer is responsible for proving that a loss or damage suffered by the Customer is not attributable to any third party solutions.

6.5 The maximum liability of LEXZUR in contract, tort (including negligence), statutory duty, or otherwise arising directly or indirectly with the Terms and Conditions or the Program is limited.  For any one or more events or series of events (whether related or unrelated) occurring within a twelve month period, the total liability shall not surpass the subscription fees paid by the Customer in such period The burden of proving LEXZUR’s liability in such cases rests upon the Customer. 


7.1 Customer agrees to:

  1. Provide all necessary information and any special forms or other required materials or information to LEXZUR on schedule or in a timely fashion to enable LEXZUR to provide the Services;
  2. Ensure accuracy, legibility and completeness of all data supplied to LEXZUR and be solely responsible for the results obtained from Customer’s use of any of the Services;
  3. Liaise with LEXZUR through a coordinator the Customer will identify, on matters related to the Services, and authorize that coordinator to make decisions on behalf of Customer in relation to the implementation of this Agreement and the Services and any changes thereto;

Control, and be responsible for the use of account information anduser IDs  related to the Services.

7.2 Customer Representations: Customer affirms and warrants to LEXZUR that:

  1. The information provided by the Customer for the purpose of establishing an account with LEXZUR is accurate; and
  2. Customer has complied with and will continue to comply with all applicable laws, including privacy laws, and has obtained and will continue to obtain the requisite privacy consents in the collection and use of all information that may be collected on any website or maintained on any server hosted by LEXZUR.



8.1 Initial Term:

The initial subscription term shall begin on the effective date of Customer subscription and expire at the end of the period selected during the subscription process.

After placement of order, the Customer is entitled to cancel the order free of charge within a period of 15 days with money back guarantee on subscription fees.

8.2 Renewal of Term:

Unless one of the parties gives the other a written notice that he does not intend to renew the subscription, the paid subscription and this Agreement will automatically renew for the period selected by the customer in its latest term (“Renewal Subscription Term”). The written notice of non-renewal must be sent at least 15 days before the end of the Subscription Term. The Renewal Subscription Term will be on the current terms and conditions of this Agreement, and subject to the renewal pricing provided in our standard pricing available on LEXZUR website https://www.LEXZUR.com/. Should you decide not to renew, you may send the notice of non-renewal by email to [email protected] or use the cancellation option within the product interface.

8.3 Termination by Customer:

Customer may terminate this Agreement before the end of the Term without liability (except for amounts due for Services provided up to the effective date of termination) if LEXZUR:

  1. Fails to provide the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, such failure causes material harm to the Customer and LEXZUR does not cure the failure within 15 days of receipt of the notice in writing from Customer describing the failure in reasonable detail.
  2. Materially violates any other provision of this Agreement and fails to cure the violation within 30 days of receipt of the notice in writing from Customer describing the violation in reasonable detail.

In the event that this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, LEXZUR will return the fees paid to it for Services not yet performed pro rata.

8.4 Termination/Suspension by LEXZUR:

LEXZUR may terminate this Agreement or suspend the Services before the end of the Term without liability:

  1. On 30 days’ notice to the Customer, if the Customer is overdue on the payment of any amount due under this Agreement;
  2. If Customer materially violates any other provision of this Agreement and fails to cure the violation within 15 days’ notice in writing from LEXZUR, describing the violation in reasonable detail; or
  3. Immediately on written notice upon Customer becoming insolvent or bankrupt within the meaning of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Laws.

During suspension, the Customer will not be able to access the Services. LEXZUR will use reasonable efforts to give Customer an advance notice in writing of suspension of Service unless a law enforcement or governmental agency directs otherwise or suspension without notice is necessary to protect LEXZUR or its other customers.

Following suspension, LEXZUR shall keep the Customer’s account suspended for the reasons stated above for a maximum period of 90 days. After this period, the account  will bedeleted and Customer’s data/information with all related backups will be permanently removed from the database of LEXZUR. However, On special request and provided that the Customer assures LEXZUR in a timely manner about resumption of Service, LEXZUR may consider extending the period of suspension and retain the data/information for further specified period of time as agreed with Customer.

Following termination, whether initiated by the Customer or LEXZUR, the Customer’s data and account settings shall be irrevocably deleted within 90 days from the date of termination.

The Customer can also notify LEXZUR’s support at any time after termination to delete its data permanently from LEXZUR servers; and in this case, LEXZUR support shall delete Customer’s Program and data within twenty-four (24) hours.

It shall be the Customer’s exclusive responsibility to secure all necessary data from Customer’s account prior to termination. LEXZUR shall not be held  responsible for any loss or deletion of information that may occur.



9.1 In accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the Customer is granted a non-exclusive limited right to use the Program which is made available online as a cloud software. The Customer does not acquire the Program or any copy or part of it and is not granted a license to implement the Program in any way other than as a cloud subscription.

9.2 The Customer’s subscription entitles the Customer to use the Program for the number of users selected. If the Customer needs to increase the number of users or modules, the subscription will be upgraded, and the Customer shall agree to pay the consequential increase in the subscription at the then current rates of such additional users and modules.

9.3 The Program itself or LEXZUR’s website may provide a list of subscription types and selected additional modules. Some functionalities, services and additional modules may be subject to separate terms and conditions published per module.

9.4 Only Customer’s users are entitled to use the Program, and the Program may not be used for or on behalf of any other parties or for data processing or the provision of Services for other parties than the Customer. The Customer agrees to be fully responsible and liable for any third parties that are given access to the Program by the Customer or who use the Customer’s log in details.

9.5 Other than as set out in 9.4, the Customer is not entitled to assign the subscription or grant access to the Program, whether in full or in part, to any third party.

9.6 The Customer shall ensure that the Program is not used in any manner which reflects adversely upon the name, reputation and/or goodwill of LEXZUR or in breach of any applicable laws or regulations.




10.1 As between the parties, the Customer shall own any and all data it provides to LEXZUR or the Program. The Program permits the Customer to export records and data held inside the Program’s database and the Customer agrees to export any and all data prior to termination of the subscription. 

10.2 LEXZUR will not process any Customer data to generate reports outside the database dedicated for the Customer. Customer data entered into the Program will be accessible by the Customer’s users only.

10.3 LEXZUR shall take all necessary technical and organisational security and data protection measures to ensure safe and secure hosting of any Customer data.

10.4 At the Customer’s request, LEXZUR will provide sufficient information to enable the Customer to ensure that the said technical and organisational measures have been taken. LEXZUR shall be permitted to charge the Customer for such work at its standard rates when relevant.

10.5 LEXZUR has the obligations to delete Customer data 90 days after termination of the subscription regardless of the reason for termination, and LEXZUR will not store any Customer data after such time.

10.6 LEXZUR may disclose Customer data to third parties and public authorities where such disclosure is regulated by law, like but not limited to avoid a loss of value, including in connection with judgments, public authority orders, the Customer’s bankruptcy, or death.


10.7 LEXZUR places significant emphasis on safeguarding its customers’ data and consistently strives to adhere to international regulations concerning customer data protection. Moreover, LEXZUR is compliant with GDPR guidelines.

10.8 LEXZUR appointed Prighter as privacy representative. The Customer can make use of its GDPR data privacy rights by visiting this Public Privacy Dashboard

Contact Prighter

Maetzler Rechtsanwalts GmbH & Co KG
Attorneys at Law
Schellinggasse 3/10, 1010 Vienna, Austria

The following subject should be added to any correspondence:
GDPR-REP ID: 19775994

10.9 For a Customer using a third-party plugin on top of the Program (similar to Zoom for example), LEXZUR will retain only the username needed to establish the connection with the third-party plugin as long as the Customer is operational on the Program. Refer to Chapter TERM, TERMINATION & SUSPENSION OF SERVICES.

10.10 LEXZUR 3rd Party Integration

Google Calendar
LEXZUR integrates with Google Calendar to have a two-way sync between LEXZUR calendar & Google’s calendar. LEXZUR processes list of calendars in Google, meetings, attendees & timings. LEXZUR doesn’t store attendees information.


11.1 Fees:

The fees set forth in the order form created at the outset of Customer’s account shall be effective for the Initial Term and each renewal Term of this Agreement, provided that LEXZUR shall have the right to revise these fees at any time upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to the Customer. In the event that the Customer does not agree with such fee revision, Customer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days’ written notice, provided that such notice of termination must be received within sixty (60) days from the date of notice of fee increase.

11.2 Billing and Payment Arrangements:

LEXZUR will bill the Customer on an annual or any other mutually agreed period basis for all recurring fees published on LEXZUR website https://www.LEXZUR.com/. For recurring fees, no refund or adjustment for plan downgrades, upgrades or elimination of plan features within the current billing term shall be issued. Invoices/payments are irrevocably deemed final and accepted by the Customer unless disputed or sought clarification before subscribing to the Service. The Customer shall at all times provide and keep current and up‐to‐date Customer’s contact, credit card, if applicable, and billing information on the secure administrative control panel of the Program used by the Customer.

11.3 Payment by Credit Card/Wire Transfer/Cheque:

If the Customer is paying by credit card, the Customer shall at all times provide and keep current and updated Customer’s contact, credit card, if applicable, and billing information on the secure administrative control panel. Customer authorizes LEXZUR to charge the Customer credit card or bank account for all fees payable at the beginning of the Initial Subscription Term and all subsequent Billing Periods, including upgrades. Customer further authorizes LEXZUR to use a third party to process payments and to consent to the disclosure of Customer payment information to such third party.

11.4 Taxes:

Customer acknowledges that the all applicable taxes, duties or government levies whatsoever are not included in the fees and expenses charged under this Agreement. Customer will make timely payment of all such taxes, duties or government levies related to this Agreement.



12.1 LEXZUR strives towards the highest possible operational stability, but shall not be responsible or liable for any breakdowns or service interruptions, including interruptions caused by factors beyond LEXZUR’s control, such as but not limited to power failures, defective equipment, Internet connections, or telecoms connections. The Program and the Services are provided “as is” and LEXZUR expressly disclaims any further representations, warranties, conditions or other terms, express or implied, by statute, collaterally or otherwise, including but not limited to implied warranties, conditions or other terms of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose or reasonable care and skill.

12.2 In the event of an interruption of service, LEXZUR will use reasonable endeavors to restore normal operations as soon as possible.

12.3 Planned interruptions will mainly take place based on prior notifications to the Customer.


LEXZUR may update, amend, modify or supplement the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time and will use reasonable efforts to notify the Customer regarding the changes. The Customer is responsible for regularly reviewing the most current version of this Agreement at any time. If at any time the Customer does not agree with any amendment, modification or supplement to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Customer may terminate this Agreement for convenience, as per Clause 8 mentioned aforesaid. The Customer’s continued use of the Customer’s account and/or the services after the notice period will be conclusively deemed to be acceptance by the Customer of any such modifications or amendment.


LEXZUR provides the Services “as is”. Customer expressly agrees that use of the Services is at Customer’s sole risk. LEXZUR and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners, vendors and licensors expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchant ability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Customer hereby agrees that the terms of this Agreement shall not be altered due to custom or usage or due to the parties’ course of dealing or course of performance under this Agreement.

LEXZUR and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners, vendors and licensors shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, including but not limited to damages for lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or information, and the like, that result from the use or inability to use the Service or from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files or directories, errors, defects, delays in operation, or transmission, regardless of whether LEXZUR has been advised of such damages or their possibility.

Customer is fully responsible for the content of the information and data passing through LEXZUR’s network or using the Services and for all activities that Customer conducts with the assistance of the Services.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, LEXZUR’s aggregate liability under or in connection with the Agreement, whether arising from contract, negligence or otherwise, shall in any event not exceed the amount paid by Customer under the Agreement in the preceding 12 months.


15.1 Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights:

All Intellectual Property Rights, including any Software, owned by a party, its licensors or subcontractors as on the effective date of this Agreement shall continue to be owned by such party, its licensors or subcontractors and, except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the other party shall not acquire any right, title or interest in or to such Intellectual Property Rights. LEXZUR shall own all rights, titles and interests in and to any materials created or developed by LEXZUR or its subcontractors.

The Program and any information provided by it, other than the Customer’s data, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights and is owned by or licensed to LEXZUR or any of its group companies. Any development or adaptations made to such intellectual property by Customer shall vest in LEXZUR. The Customer shall notify LEXZUR of any actual or suspected infringement of LEXZUR’s intellectual property rights and any unauthorized use of the Program that the Customer is aware of. No intellectual property rights are assigned to the Customer.

The Customer represents and warrants that no uploaded material or Customer data will infringe third party rights or intellectual property rights and will not contain any material that is obscene, offensive, inappropriate or in breach of any applicable law.

15.2 Right to use logo:

Customer agrees to let LEXZUR use its organization’s logo in LEXZUR’s customer list and at other places on its website.

Customer can notify LEXZUR to remove its organization’s logo from LEXZUR’s website in a written notice and LEXZUR shall remove it within fifteen (15) days.

15.3 License of Customer Software and Intellectual Property:

Customer agrees to grant to LEXZUR, solely for LEXZUR’s provision of the Services, access to any tool or application used by the Customer and required by LEXZUR in order to troubleshoot and perform its Services, license during the Term to use any Intellectual Property Rights, including any Software, owned by or licensed to the Customer by third parties and that is necessary for providing the Services to Customer and otherwise, performing its obligations under this Agreement. With respect to any Intellectual Property Rights and Software used by LEXZUR to provide the Services, Customer represents and warrants that: (a) Customer is either the owner of such Intellectual Property Rights or Software or is authorized by its owner to include it under this Agreement; and (b) LEXZUR has the right during the Term to use such Intellectual Property Rights and Software for the purpose of providing the Services to Customer as contemplated by this Agreement.

15.4 No Assurance of Compatibility:

Customer acknowledges that LEXZUR makes no representation, warranty or assurance that Customer’s equipment and software will be compatible with LEXZUR’s equipment, software and systems or the Services.


Customer and LEXZUR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless each other (and their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners, mandatories, vendors and  licensors) of any and all Claims (including third-party Claims) arising as a result of or in relation to any breach of this Agreement or fault by the other party.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. The Customer agrees, in the event any claim or suit is brought in connection with this Agreement, it shall be brought to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of London.


In the event that anyone or more of the provisions contained herein shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Agreement; and this Agreement shall be construed as if such provision(s) had never been contained herein, provided that such provision(s) shall be curtailed, limited, or eliminated only to the extent necessary to remove the invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability.


No waiver by LEXZUR of any breach by the Customer of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach of this Agreement. No such waiver shall be effective unless it is in writing signed by the parties hereto and then only to the extent expressly set forth in such writing.


Neither party may assign or transfer this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, except with the prior written consent of the other party, which shall not be withheld unreasonably; provided that LEXZUR may assign or transfer this Agreement, or any rights or obligations hereunder, in whole or in part: (i) to an affiliate of LEXZUR; or (ii) in connection with a merger, amalgamation or sale of all or a substantial part of the business of LEXZUR, which assignments and/or transfers shall operate novation and discharge LEXZUR hereunder. A change of control of the Customer shall be deemed to be an assignment and transfer hereunder and shall be governed by the requirements of this provision.

The terms and conditions along with privacy policies with all references, constitute the sole and entire Agreement of the parties to this Agreement with respect to the subject matter contained herein, and supersede all prior terms and conditions which were agreed by the Customer.

21- Force Majeure

Neither party shall be held liable for any failure or delay in performing their obligations under this Agreement due to a Force Majeure Event. A “Force Majeure Event” refers to circumstances beyond a party’s control, including but not limited to acts of nature, war, strikes, or government actions. If a Force Majeure Event occurs, the affected party will promptly notify the other party and make reasonable efforts to resume performance. During the event, both parties’ obligations will be temporarily suspended. If the event continues beyond a specified time frame, either party may terminate the Agreement without liability.



About the collection, use and protection of your personal data on LEXZUR’s online media

LEXZUR pays lot of attention and committed to the protection of Customer’s privacy. When you visit LEXZUR’s website, you’ll be alerted whenever a cookie is used in pages with a link to its Privacy Policy. LEXZUR takes data protection very seriously and works permanently to stay compliant with international data protection regulations.

In the following, you can read about how we collect information from your visit to our websites, why we do it and how your data is protected.

Collected data

LEXZUR collects the data that the Customer provide to it directly when signing up to use the Program. In this regard, LEXZUR may receive personal information regarding the user from Customer side who subscribed to use the Program.

When you visit LEXZUR’s website, we automatically collect data about how you access and use the Program. This includes: the page you entered first, whether you have visited the website before, the duration of your stay on a page, which website or search engine you came from, the keyword(s) you entered in the search engine, which web pages you visit, your operating system as well as your browser type and version, your screen resolution and the number of colors used by your PC, tablet or smartphone, whether your PC, tablet or smartphone supports JavaScript and Flash Language, country and zone/city. Thus, in the aim to enhance your experience on working on the Program.

The data is collected using cookies, the so-called “web beacons” and log files. Most websites collect this type of information in a standard practice.

The data collected about users and visitors are not shared with any other party outside LEXZUR; except disclosing personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities to meet law enforcement requirements.

Why do we collect data about your visit?

We use the non-personal data from cookies, web beacons and log files to learn how you and other visitors use our website. We monitor which pages users consider more or less useful. This helps us to further develop and improve our Program and website and adapt them to our users’ needs. We use data collected about user behavior and tendencies both internally and publicly for marketing purposes, e.g. tendency reports based on the figures from the visitor statistics. Such data is collected for all or larger groups of visitors. They do not contain any information which can identify you personally.

About the data you enter when registering for a trial or ordering a subscription

When you register for a trial or order a subscription to LEXZUR, you enter your name, e-mail address and other personal data. This type of data is used to ensure that our system links you with your subscription/trial version. Moreover, we use your e-mail address to send you information and updates about the use of the Program. Your name, e-mail address and personal information are treated in high confidence and will not be disclosed to any third party.

About the data you enter on blogs, wikis or forums or when signing up for a news mail

Specific rules apply for the use of LEXZUR’s blogs, wikis, forums and news mails:

Blogs and wikis

When you comment on a blog post or a wiki article, you enter your name and e-mail address. The name you enter will be displayed on your comment. Although it’s not required, we encourage you to use your real name. Your e-mail address will not be shown in public. It will only be used if we need to contact you directly regarding your comment on the blog/wiki.


Before you can reply to or comment on an existing article or author’s new articles in a forum, you have to register as a user. When you register, you have to enter your user name and your e-mail address. Like on blogs and wikis, we encourage you to enter your real name as your user name. Your user name will be shown publicly in the forum. Your e-mail address will not be shown publicly and will only be used, if we need to contact you directly in connection with your forum article or comment.

IP address registration when using blogs, wikis and forums

We register the IP address of your visit on blogs, wikis and forums, when you comment on or add a forum article. We use the IP address to block any misuse of our websites. It is not used to identify you personally and will not be shared with any third party.

News mail

The e-mail address you enter when you sign up for LEXZUR news mail is only used to send news mails to you. You can cancel your subscription to the news mail by following the link at the bottom of the e-mail. If you cancel your subscription to the news mail, we will retain your e-mail address to ensure that you will no longer receive news mails from us.

How is my personal data protected?

The personal data we collect is stored in a secure environment and treated confidentially. Access to these data is limited to selected LEXZUR employees. We do the best to secure your data, but we cannot guarantee the safety of data transferred via the Internet outside of our control. When data is transferred via the Internet, there is a certain risk that others can access them illicitly. In other words, the safety of your data transfer is your own responsibility. Your data is not disclosed to any third party without your permission, unless legislative authorities require that they be delivered.

Content which is not protected

The content you publish when using our blogs, wikis and forums is publicly available (text, pictures, links, etc.) and is not covered by this privacy policy. As a user, you are responsible for the content you publish. We may decide to remove content published by you on your request, but we maintain our right not to remove already published content.

For further guidelines on publishing content on our websites, please visit LEXZUR’s website.


At LEXZUR, we value security as much as you do and we monitor our performance around the clock. In the case of any problems, we are ready to act upon them immediately. Your data is always private and protected. At LEXZUR we use advanced and industry-recognized security measures to ensure that your financial data will be kept private and protected at all times.


Every 24 hours we backup your data and later store it in another physical site. This means that with LEXZUR, automatic offsite storage is enabled without the need for you to generate and handle physical backups by yourself. Furthermore, if your hardware is ever damaged, all of your data in our system will still be safe – you only need a computer that is connected to the Internet to access it.

We value security as much as you do

Privacy is an integral part of everything we do at LEXZUR. Privacy isn’t an afterthought or corporate rhetoric – it is how we conduct our business every single day. That is why we follow a strict set of guidelines in order to keep all of your private information safe. Of course, this means that we will never sell, rent or share your private information with third parties. At LEXZUR, we prioritize the security of your data, and we can prove it. LEXZUR complies with the most up to date IT management and security policies, meaning that our actions adhere to best practices in the industry. LEXZUR works always to stay compliant with international data protection regulations.

Available when you need it – anytime, anywhere

With LEXZUR you are guaranteed 99.9% availability, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We make this possible by having redundant facilities and servers in place at all times. This ensures that if one location or server somehow becomes unavailable, your LEXZUR service experience will be minimally affected or, most often, not at all.

Furthermore, we constantly expand our server facilities in order to keep up with customer growth, which makes it possible for our system to always be ready to handle the increasing number of users.

Third-Party Marketplace Developer Agreement

As an individual or entity registering as a vendor or partner within the Lexzur Marketplace (referred to as “Marketplace Partner” or “You”), you are subject to the terms set forth in the Third-Party Marketplace Developer Agreement.