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Dossary Law Firm

Their mission statement: “We focus our attention on the legal aspects of our client’ s business so that our clients can focus their attention on the success of their business” is self explanatory. Dossary Law Firm (DLF) doesn’t leave any room for compromise when it comes to their client’s objectives. It’s as simple as that; the client always comes first, and with that comes constant innovation.

DLF is a full-service Saudi Arabian law firm led by Saudi lawyers with extensive international transactional experience. The firm’s core expertise lies in corporate commercial and business litigation, ranging from strategic projects to litigating business interests. With a national focus and international interests, their vision is focused on efficiency and providing realistic and effective solutions.

Who is Hamad Khalifa Al Dossary?

Hamad Khalifa Al Dossary, founding partner at DLF, specializes in corporate matters, arbitration and trade disputes. He deals with foreign investors and private companies, having previously served as Counsel at Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP in association with the Dr. Saud Al-Ammari Law Firm. He is an exceptional and experienced lawyer. Hammad is not one to avoid diverse opportunities and in doing so has built an impressive track record, litigating across several industries including oil and gas, manufacturing, construction, intellectual property, labour and employment law and aviation.

Partner, leader and a team player

He is not just a partner, but a leader and a team player, “You might argue that these three terms are the same, which would be true in the perfect world. However, to manage all aspects of the firm is one thing, but to be directly involved (while still leading) is a completely different attitude.” Hamad embodies this attitude, as his duties range from the incorporation, maintenance and regulation of new businesses in Saudi Arabia, dealing with powerful international organizations, through to due diligence reviews and preparing corporate documents/reports for transactions- all in all, a driven and successful individual. 

Starting off- why Lexzur?

Hamad says “Prior to Lexzur, we were using TimeSolv. To be completely honest, at the time we had no issue with the software. It satisfied what we thought were the ‘essential’ needs for the operation of the firm. However, we stumbled upon Lexzur, started a free trial, and haven’t looked back since.

The initial feature which attracted me to the product is that it comes in many languages; this is convenient for us as, based in the Middle East, we work and deal with a bilingual/ trilingual demographic. Essentially, it all came down to the attention to detail- Lexzur covers more ground, goes above and beyond basic necessities and now, looking at the results, I can’t imagine going back.”

How has Lexzur allowed DLF to stay organized?

The following statement may be the most important point, Hamad continues: “Organization is the key to ultimate success. Having past experiences with different management softwares, I can truly say that Lexzur comes out on top.”

Being a cloud-based platform, I have access to all of my documents any time, anywhere all on one platform. Not only that, but each document has a designated place, meaning every document is assigned to a case, matter, hearing, client or company.”

Hamad explains, “So for example, let’s say that during this interview, I am notified of a client call which requires my urgent attention (this occurs on a regular basis). Without having to leave for my office to refer to all relevant files before attending the call, I can access them right here through my phone, on the app. Having full knowledge of the client and their matters (with utmost ease), allI do now is step out and take the call with directed focus. Efficiency is maximized, valuable time is saved and I am able to provide high-quality and tailored services to my client- all thanks to the convenience Lexzur instills in the management of our firm.”

To end with, why do you think firms should innovate their practice through Lexzur?

Hamad finishes with the following statement, “We want to build meaningful relationships with our clients. We want to gain their trust. We want to give them the confidence that DLF is the right firm to deal with and Lexzur provides us with the resources to achieve exactly that and more.

"Leveraging this software gives us the competitive edge which our clients want us to have. Lexzur is 100% worth it."
-Hamad Khalifa Al Dossary
founding partner at DLF

Furthermore, the team at Lexzur has played a big part in helping us transform the future of DLF with their software. They are with you every step of the way, are cooperative, and will aid you in realizing the full potential of your firm.”

Learn more about the products trusted by Dossary Law Firm